Medical professionals who understand the basics of online marketing appreciate the vital role that search engine optimization plays in their financial success. They know that success is driven predominantly by search ranking for the most valuable (most competitive) keyword terms. In elective healthcare, keyword terms will be the most searched phrases generally consisting of a procedure, condition, branded name, desired result, or a generic specialty combined with a geographic term. For example, "breast augmentation Houston" might show a history of being searched several times more frequently than "Houston breast enhancement" and other similar procedural references (breast enlargement, boob job, breast implant), so it would be a procedural keyword for a plastic surgery practice that serves the Houston market.
Since your financial success depends largely on getting found for the right search terms vs. competitors, why would any practice want to hire the same SEO firm pursuing keyword ranking for their closest geographical competitors? Remember that there's only one #1 slot in a search engine result page for a given keyword. Your closest direct competitors' keywords are almost identical to your own.
MetaMed's clients are protected with a simple exclusivity policy. Our commitment is that after we make you successful, we'll politely decline the ensuing requests for services from your closest competitors. This ensures that you have our full attention, putting some "skin in the game" for us to make you successful.
Ask us about the specifics of our exclusivity policy, and how it will protect you and your practice specialty for your specific geography.
I recently switched website management and internet marketing companies (again) because the previous one simply wasn't keeping their word. I discovered MetaMed marketing. For the first time, I found a company that listened to my needs...